Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Is it Personal or Business?

A bit of research and a wealth of information.... all in several hours of work!  What I discovered about Social Media sites overwhelmed me.  I hadn't realized how many different sites are in cyberspace just waiting to be explored.  

Which social media sites are personal and which are business can be answered with a simple comment.... it depends on your perception and how you would use the site.  For example, Tagged.com seems to be a personal social media site that focuses on playing games and sharing interests with others.  However, for a business developing games, it may be considered a business social media site.

In my Google research for "top social media platforms", I found many different top 10, top 52, best 13 social media sites... so, I decided to look at how I would like to use social media for my real estate business and make my own "Top 10 Social Media" list.

  1.  My blog at SellingProperties.com

  2.  Facebook
  3.  Zillow
  4.  Active Rain
  5.  Trulia
  6.  LinkedIn
  7.  Twitter
  8.  Pinterest
  9.  Meetup
10.  You Tube

There were a few other platforms that I may explore in the future such as Yelp, Bigger Pockets, Foursquare, Instagram, Google+, Ning.... if I ever employ all of the above.  Gee, it may be after completing my social media class at MiraCosta, I will change my top 10 list!

Anyone know of other social media platforms that I may wish to explore?


  1. Dee Marie,
    Your blogged dazzled me with on your approach to real estate and the top 10 social media for reaching your target audience. I am currently overwhelmed about all the information in the areas of social media. I agree with your interpretation as to whether a site is for business or personal as to your own perception of the site. You given me much to think about. thank you, Lu

  2. Thanks Lu.... I was talking with my techie mentor who stated I need to put You Tube in the top 3. Ah, video is something I have no knowledge of along with limited knowledge of social media and how to tie it all together. This class will be great!

  3. Hi Dee Marie,
    Thanks for introducing me to some sites that I had never heard of. I agree with your techie mentor - YouTube definitely needs be high on the list. I like your template choice with the color contrasts - also a great match for you being in real estate!

  4. Hi Alexandra, I appreciate your comments.... even that YouTube needs to be pursued for my marketing. Good eye on the reason for the template choice.
