Sunday, October 20, 2013

Real Estate and Visual Social Media

I read the lecture "Get Visual - Let a Picture Tell the Story" and viewed the 4 blog posts on YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest and probably learned the most from the lecture with regards to how I will use visual social media in my real estate business.

In the lecture, I found several great tips to use when I implement visual social media:
  • Add a call to action at the end of each video... the url to drive traffic to your website.
  • They have to show their service being used, or find a visual that the viewer can easily connect to the service.
  • YouTube is a great place to showcase behind-the-scenes information.
  • Create short videos to share tips for your clients.

As for the 4 blog posts on each visual social media website, I did learn more about what each has to offer and realized that YouTube would be the one I would use to show properties I'm selling, to give real estate information and tips for my clients.

Pinterest is fun and I used some of the photos in my blogs or Facebook; however, it is not the best use of my time. The other two are not of interest for the same reason.

Again, I am enjoying this class because I'm required to learn about the various aspects of social media and determine which are best for my business.  I'm becoming less overwhelmed each week!

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