Friday, December 6, 2013

Facebook Insights

Learning about Facebook Reach and Engagement in Week 5 of our class helped me understand what purpose Facebook pages have for a business.

In viewing my Insights, I'm learning what type of content is reaching and engaging more people.... and it's not information that I'm sharing about real estate, even though I am reaching more people than I have prior to this class. 

It's sharing photos of homes and personal comments that seem to generate the most interest.  I like knowing this.... and will continue to reach out with something that is related to real estate but is fun to do for me and obviously of interest to others.

Insights is easier for me to understand than the Google Analytics that I have for my blog website.  I couldn't figure out how to use Google on my Facebook business page.  Sometimes all of this is overwhelming and I wonder how much I will truly use once out of this class..... so decision not to do Google was made to save time.

1 comment:

  1. So great that this class helped you reach new clients and how you could actually see your reach going further. I noticed the same thing with my business and
    I am thrilled to have this new found insight and knowledge.
